Friday, March 2, 2012

Arguments: Stopping Arguments Between Children

Arguments are one of the biggest problems kids don’t get along with other kids. Arguments and conflicts are just a part of life, but some kids learn throughout the years how to deal with these conflicts. It is possible to help your child when they are young by teaching them these skills. This will help them during their childhood and also be to value for them later in life. This will also help them get along better with siblings and other family members.

Signs and Symptoms of Argument Problems

All children argue. It’s just another part of life, but some children argue and bicker so much that it becomes a problem in their daily lives. Check out some of the signs and symptoms below if you think your child has a problem with arguing.

• They always come to you for help to solve their problem
• Any sort of aggression to help get the point across
• They think they are right
• Doesn’t listen to the other side of the issue
• Shouts or yells
• Puts down the other persons opinion
• Loses temper
• Over sensitivity
• Blames others for problems
• Doesn’t weigh the consequences

How to Stop Arguments

There is a proper way to teach someone how to stop arguments. Follow the tips below to help your child stop their argument problem.

Uncover the Reason

Find out why your child is constantly arguing. There is usually a deeper issue involved in triggering the arguments. Reasons could be because they are hungry, tired, or possible stressed. Make sure you find out these reasons and try to change something about them. This could stop triggering arguments.

Teach Them the Right Way to Argue

Yes, there is a right way to argue and you have to show your child this. Show them that the right way to disagree is calmly and respectfully. Set up an argument between you and someone else in front of your child and make sure you do it in a positive way. Your child looks up to you, so if they see you do it in a positive way they will follow along.

No Yelling!

Try setting a “no yelling” rule in your household. If someone gets too heated with their arguments tell them they have to take a small timeout. This way, they with think twice about yelling during an argument and this will help arguments in your household be calmer.

Listen to Your Child

Make sure you listen to your child when they are arguing because one of the biggest reasons they argue is because they want to be heard. Make sure you listen to your child’s opinions but follow the “no yelling” rule above. You can listen to them when they are calmer.

Let Them See the Other Side

You want to make sure that your child sees the other side of the argument and not just theirs. They get so caught up in their side that they fail to see where the other person is coming from. Make sure you teach them that they need to listen.

Take a Time-Out

Teach your children that they need to cool off and think before they start an argument. A few seconds could be enough time to stop your child from arguing. Try to help them calm down if they can’t calm themselves down.


This is the ultimate way to teach a child how to stop arguments. First, you must explain to your child what a compromise is and then apply it to an argument. They will understand that they get a little bit of what they want and the other person gets a little bit of what they want. Once you teach them how to compromise they will learn to apply this newly learned skill in real life.

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