Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Eliminate Stress: Stress Management Techniques

Stress is something that is in everyone’s life. Nobody likes stress, and almost everyone wants to lower their levels of stress. The easiest way to reduce the stress in your life is to eliminate a problem before it starts. Having a completely stress free lifestyle is next to impossible. Stress comes from challenges in your life and those will always be there. So, stress is just a part of life, but it is one aspect that can be controlled to an extent.

There are a lot of things you can do to eliminate stress in your life. Like I stated in the above paragraph the e-book has over 400 strategies. Below there are many tips to help you reduce the amount of stress in your life. Follow these tips if you want to know how to eliminate stress.

Know What is Making You Stressed

The first thing you should take a look at to eliminate stress is to figure out what stresses you out. When you pinpoint what is making you stressed, find a way to eliminate that stressor.

Do What is Necessary

If you are in too many clubs or activities that are unnecessary think about which ones you need and which ones you don’t. Being involved with too many unnecessary commitments will feed your stress. Only keep the things in your schedule that you think are necessary.

Eliminate Procrastination

Everyone procrastinates and all it does is stress us out. If we do things when we actually want it will help eliminate stress. Check out the Procrastination page for more information.

Be Organized

Being disorganized contributes to being stressed out. If you learn to keep yourself organized you will not have as much stress in your life. Don’t have so much clutter and learn to keep things organized in cabinets and folders. When you start to become stressed, clean your room, or house. This will help eliminate stress, and get you organized at the same time. You kill two birds with one stone.

Avoid Being Late

Another thing that stresses people out is being late. When you learn to be early, you will learn how to eliminate stress. This also eliminates the stress that driving brings you when you are stuck in traffic, or are running late. A good way to avoid being late is to time yourself and see how long it takes you to get ready or to get somewhere. When you do this add 10 or 15 minutes to your initial time and subtract it from the time you have to be there. If you do this correctly hopefully you will show up to where you want to be 15 minutes early. Ex). You have to be to work at 9 and it takes you 30 minutes to get ready, add 15 minutes to the 30 minutes. Now start getting ready at 8:15.

Stop Too Much Multitasking

I say stop too much multitasking because some multitasking is actually good. Getting two things done at one time is a great feeling, but doing too much of it can increase stress. Learn to take things one at a time and it will help you eliminate stress.
Reduce Exhaustion
If there are things in your life that make you exhausted try and eliminate them because they are just causing you stress. When you have more energy you will be less stressed in your life. It is a proven fact.

Make Things Simple

Complications make people stressed. When you learn to simplify things in your life and make them less complicated you will learn how to eliminate stress in your life.

Make Time

Time management is a great way to help reduce stress in your life. Avoid giving yourself too little time to do things as this adds complications to your life. Give yourself enough time to complete things and you will already be reducing stress.

Don’t Rush Through Things

Rushing through things adds complication to your life. Complication = stress. Learn to enjoy the little things and to take your time with tasks.

Learn to Relax

Take some breaks during your day to relax. Get up, walk around for a few minutes, get some fresh air, take some time to get a drink, and then go back to work. This will feel great and help you learn how to eliminate stress.

Work Out

Working out is a great way to blow off some steam. Being an unhealthy person is very stressful. Make some time in your day to exercise and you will being killing two birds with one stone. You will be eliminating stress and you will also be getting healthier.

Start to Eat Healthy

This goes along with working out. When you start becoming healthier you will feel better about yourself, which helps reduce stress.

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