Saturday, February 18, 2012

Stop Panic Attacks: Anxiety No More

Panic attacks can be a huge blocker to what you want to do and accomplish in life. If you want a more fulfilling life make sure you stop panic attacks. Panic attacks will become more and more obstructive when you have pressure put on you from school, work, or peers.

Panic attacks can stem from a number of triggers such as:

Heredity: Panic disorders have been traced through families, and means it is an inherited trait. But there are still a number of people who have no family history of anxiety panic attacks, who experience them. Phobias: People sometimes experience panic attacks as a result of the exposure to a repeated situation that is feared such as:

• Having to give a speech
• Being at a party with people you may not be familiar with
• Attending a meeting in which you must take part
• Giving a presentation

Panic attacks are described as an episode of high fear or apprehension that is onset. As you may know it is a period of intense discomfort or fear in which symptoms reach a peak at around ten minutes. Symptoms of a panic attack can last from thirty minutes, to as little as 15 seconds. The person may feel anticipatory anxiety, preceding a panic attack in situations in which a panic attack occurred before.

A first time sufferer of a panic attack may believe they are having a nervous breakdown or heart attack. A panic attack is often described as one of the most uncomfortable, frightening, and upsetting experiences in someone’s life. You need to stop panic attacks today!

1 comment:

  1. Taking the supplement "GABA" might help to prevent panic attacks. Doing deep breathing, Yoga, Tai Chi regularly helps to relax our mind too.

    Live life at its Best,


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